Charms of the Feykin Page 16
“So I’m still thinking mind control or doppelgangers,” Nyx says while trying not to enjoy the food too much. An experimental flick of her wrist sends a breeze around the roof and she relaxes when her magic fails to give her a wave of vertigo. “I know that doesn’t really help us narrow things down, but I can’t think of any other explanations. Sari and I got into an argument when we were gathering food. She asked me if I was on her side against Luke and I got angry about being put between friends. Then I was attacked by the berry creature and . . . she hesitated during the rescue. My little sister actually considered letting me get eaten. She thinks I didn’t notice, but she wasn’t very subtle about it.”
“The real Sari would have been better at hiding that,” Luke points out as he mends one of his torn shirts. For the eighth time in fifteen minutes, he pokes his finger with the needle and sucks on the digit. “And that’s something that confuses me. Delvin and Sari have these new personalities that are rather aggressive and blunt. Sometimes they’re openly cruel and mean. Yet, their former selves have come through every now and again. I keep going over it in my mind, but I can’t figure out what causes the switch.”
Timoran politely takes the shirt and sewing kit from the forest tracker and sets about finishing the job. “I have seen the same thing, which is why I doubt they are imposters. It is possible that their interactions with us are threatening whatever enchantments are over them. For example, Delvin seemed more like his old self when witnessing Luke challenge the culkra. That reckless act jogged his memories or at least his natural emotions. As for Sari, I believe her hesitation to save Nyx was caused by the two selves coming into conflict. This implies that there is a way to break the enchantments, but I am concerned about why this is being done in the first place. One would expect us to suffer the same fate unless this was caused by an event that we avoided by going to Stonehelm.”
“Baron corrupt friends?” Fizzle suggests, scratching his head with his tail. The drite perches on one of the benches, growling at a chameleon that is ogling at him. “Friends act like Baron. It way of hurting destiny. Fallen champions bad. Not be threat. That Fizzle best guess. Other friends be next. What Dariana think?”
The silver-haired woman has wandered to the edge of the roof and is standing on one of the turrets. She is still weak from prying into the cultist’s mind, which is an act that she is still attempting to rationalize. With a steady exhale, Dariana takes the clear ring off her finger and leaves herself open to the minds of the Feykin. She puts the enchanted jewelry back on when she is struck by a chorus of screams that plummet into a void, the mass of spirits nearly causing her to fall off the tower. The startling sensation reminds her of when a whirlpool sucked her to the bottom of the ocean and she was surrounded by a crushing pressure. Rubbing her temples, she awkwardly steps back onto the pebbles and returns to her friends. The telepath takes her turn with the flask, the cool water sending a relaxing tremor of calm through her stiff muscles.
“I’m sorry, Fizzle. Considering some champions of the past, I don’t think corrupting Delvin and Sari would do much,” Dariana admits while smiling at the drite. She sits next to Fizzle, her presence causing the chameleon to scramble further into the stone collection. “Let’s remove my father from the scenario in case he isn’t to blame. What would one gain from manipulating Delvin and Sari in this specific location?”
“Sari is easy to figure out since she’s a Feykin,” Luke answers before holding up his hand for silence. When nobody comes through the entrance, the warrior relaxes and takes a few seconds to recover his thoughts. “With all of her skills and powers, Sari would make a very powerful Queen. From how she is acting, the people behind the change might want to mold her into a warlord who will lead the Feykin in conquering other lands. What if the two of them are being manipulated by separate factions within Rhundar? Both of our friends want to defeat the Order, which might be the one goal that is agreed upon. It’s the aftermath that has those two acting almost in contrast to each other.”
“That is a good point and one with a disturbing finale,” Timoran states, handing the repaired shirt back to his friend. He pulls out a handful of jerky to share with the others, the salty meat causing everyone to take a drink. “Only one of them will be able to rule and their manipulators will not accept the other path even in defeat. A civil war would break out and one friend may attempt to assassinate the other. That is if we do not see a betrayal during the campaign against the Order. Sari and Delvin have both used a brutality that is not normal for them. It makes me fear that no act is beyond them while in their current state.”
“What if all of our theories are right?” Dariana suggests, jumping to her feet and tapping her foot in thought. A knock on the trapdoor gives her pause, but whoever is on the other side simply mutters an apology and leaves. “I’m sorry, but this is going to sound strange and goes back to the idea that my father is involved. He could have brought the Feykin factions into his plans by promising them Delvin and Sari would be their leaders. The intention is to bring these people into a physical conflict with the promise of a King or Queen. Yet they don’t realize that a winner has already been chosen. Maybe not with the goal of claiming the throne, but to have one destroy the other under the guise of doing what is right for Rhundar. You told me that Delvin’s powers are stronger while Sari’s have become weaker. Very strange considering this place should be friendlier toward someone with fae blood. This doesn’t confirm that she will lose, but it certainly puts everything in his favor. Now, do you think either of our friends would continue being a champion if they snapped out of this spell to find that they murdered the other?”
Hearing the intricate plan causes all of the adventurers to sit in silence and consider how disastrous that would be. The distant roar of a beast sends a chill down their spines as they imagine how the scenario would play out. Even if the survivor continued on, they would become distant and never be entirely trusted. When facing the remaining temples and the Baron, such an ally would be a weakness that the immortal warlord would use to his advantage. In fact, they could see this as a strategy to replace his lost agents with an unwitting one who is entrenched in his enemy’s ranks. The longer the champions think about the situation, the more they realize how vulnerable they are compared to their enemies. Their friendship is a source of strength, but it is also so fragile that nobody is sure how they would fight without the bonds that have become so dear to them.
“They’re in there somewhere,” Nyx whispers, forgetting that she is not alone. A sudden shiver snaps her out of a trance and she reaches for her amethyst necklace, instead gripping the Compass Key. “Delvin and Sari aren’t lost to us. The fact that we see them change back to their old selves means we can revive them. All we need to do is find the source. Right now, I don’t care if it’s connected to the Baron or something local. We’ve been dragged into this and I can’t play along like I said I would.”
“That didn’t last long,” Luke states with a smirk. Moving next to the channeler, he puts an arm around her shoulders and pats her knee. “I know this is hard, but I think we need to be patient here. We should keep an eye on Delvin and Sari, especially during battles. That way we can stop them from crossing the lines like what almost happened earlier. Sorry for not asking earlier, Dariana, but are you going to be okay?”
“To be honest, it’s not the first time I’ve had to turn someone off. At least now it was to protect a friend,” she half-heartedly replies. A whisper catches her attention, but it is gone before she can be sure it ever existed. “We may have company or listening ears. Best to remain vigilant and maintain a constant presence in the city. Delvin and Sari must always remember that we are around, which may be the key to saving them. This way, they never put their guard down and try for something drastic.”
“And remember that our friends trying to push us away will be a sign that something is about to happen,” Timoran says before finishing the berries. A wide yawn reveals his fatigue as he opens the trapdoor,
the hinges not making a noise. “We should not meet like this again. It would be suspicious after tonight. Fizzle can be used as an invisible messenger if we uncover any information without the others. Our conversations must be done publicly and in whatever code we can think of at the time. We have been friends long enough to read each other. That does mean Delvin and Sari could figure us out too, but there is no avoiding that. Sleep well, my friends, and we will talk more tomorrow.”
The champions are heading down the stone steps of the tower when a young Feykin calls out to them. The pink-haired girl is gasping for air as she struggles to sprint up the last set of stairs that stand between her and the foreigners. By the time she reaches Timoran, the slender messenger needs to cling to him for support or risk collapsing. Her eyes widen when she sees how far up she is and she inches toward the wall, a wave of anxiety-born heat wafting out of her pores. Taking a deep breath, the Feykin points at Nyx and gestures for the channeler to come closer. It soon becomes clear that it is not because she has a secret to share, but that she can barely talk due to the difficult climb.
“High Priestess Zohara has requested a meeting with you,” the girl says, sliding down the wall to sit on the rough steps. Not wanting to be in the way, she curls her knees against her chest and struggles to remain motionless. “It is private and involves Delvin. She wants you to know that it is urgent and something only you can help with. A room in the temple can be prepared if you feel you will be too tired to return to the Fire Tower later.”
“Guess I’ll go along and spend the night,” Nyx replies, helping the messenger stand. She hides her wry smirk when she feels an invisible tail tap her on the head. “I’ll see everyone tomorrow. Sleep well.”
They continue walking in a protective group, Timoran departing halfway down the tower and waving as he enters his room. The others remain silent as they traverse the quiet building and make their way to the stone doors. Once outside, Nyx gives each of her friends a hug before leaving with the messenger. The remaining champions notice a faint distortion appearing above the channeler’s head as Fizzle follows her. After a long day and with nothing else to do, Luke and Dariana separate to head for their rooms. Alone and yawning, the forest tracker makes it around the Earth Tower before a familiar figure steps out of the shadows.
“I think it’s time we talked,” Sari says, offering her hand to the warrior. She shrugs when he tucks his fists into his pockets and remains silent. “Fair enough. Follow me and we’ll see if we can settle our affairs.”
Nyx is surprised to find the dark-skinned priestess stepping out of a bath that has been prepared in the middle of the central hall. Zohara runs her hands through her blonde hair while singing a spell that straightens every tress into perfection. The beautiful woman casually dries off and dons a crimson robe, her attention more on her reflection in the water than the newly arrived channeler. She adjusts her gold and sapphire necklace before gesturing to a pair of chairs near the wall. The tiny monkey is asleep on the table between the seats, so Zohara gently moves the creature into a nearby tree. She pauses and stares at one of the branches, the leaves shifting in a soft breeze that comes from the open doorway. Returning to her seat, the priestess takes a glass of juice off the table and makes no move to offer anything to her guest.
“Did you know that a four moon eclipse will happen soon?” Zohara asks, her steely gaze making the half-elf uncomfortable. She curls her legs beneath her body and rubs her thumb around her necklace, the digit leaving a shimmer in its wake. “It might not look it, but Canst and Tavon will move quickly to stop Vir and Ult from fighting. That is when Delvin and I will be married. We should have the Order defeated by then since your friend gained the information we needed. By the way, you won’t be invited to the event. I do want you to stay in Rhundar, but you will spend that night alone and far away from my happiness.”
“I guess the urgency was to make sure I didn’t think I was welcomed here,” Nyx replies, reaching into her bottomless pouch to pull out a decanter. The pungent alcohol makes the Feykin’s nose wrinkle, the expression hardening when the champion releases a dainty, flame-kissed burp. “I’m not sure why you’re worried. Delvin loves you and there’s nothing I can do to stop the wedding. My time is over and I’m trying to find a way to live with that fact.”
“It’s insulting that you expect me to believe those lies,” the priestess says, her voice filled with venom. Reaching for the wall, she makes a few random marks in the condensation caused by her sweltering bath. “I see how you look at him and I know he still thinks of you. He fears that old habits will return if when he fights alongside you. Delvin may love me, but there is a bond between you two that is causing me some trouble. It doesn’t help that you still want to admit your feelings to him. Those words are always on the tip of your tongue.”
Nyx blushes for a moment before shoving the reflex out of her mind. “I do want to, but that wouldn’t be right. Then again, you seem worried that his love for you is fragile. Almost like it’s false.”
“You’re the type of person to go fishing with fireballs, right?”
“Lightning works better in water.”
“Should we toss away the masks and be honest?”
“Boyfr . . . Potential boyfriend stealing witch first.”
With a wicked smile, Zohara finishes her drink and claps her hands to destroy the wooden cup. A few gestures creates a spell that transforms the monkey into a foul-tempered ape, the beast crushing the tree it had been sitting in. Sniffing the air, the red-furred animal prowls around the remaining plants and experimentally shakes them. A rustling catches its attention and it swats at one of the branches, the limb snapping at the trunk. The ape charges across the room and nearly tramples the tapir, which runs into another grouping of trees. With a wild whooping, the creature bounds from one side of the chamber to the other and continually flails at the space above its head. A burst of rainbow mist hits the hairy beast in the face, putting it to sleep and forcing Fizzle to reveal his presence. Snarling at the priestess, the drite darts over to Nyx and sits in her lap.
“Don’t be too upset, little one,” Zohara says, leaning back in her chair. She puts her feet on the table and stretches her toes, the tiny knuckles popping. “I knew you were here the entire time and was content to leave you alone. Nyx being aggressive forced me to draw you out. No sense in letting you remain invisible when I might have to fight. For your information, I’ve become very skilled at defeating drites. Five of them called Rhundar home before I took over and forced them to leave. They are such tricky, little things that can be a source of trouble when you wish to create a little unrest.”
“Bad woman really want talk,” Fizzle claims, his golden eyes shifting to watch the groaning ape. With a smug snort, he sends a trio of misty rings toward the beast to make sure it stays down. “Bad woman have bad plan. Need Delvin strong. Need Sari weak. Not sure why. Eclipse important. So is mate.”
“So close to the truth, but too stupid to figure it out,” the priestess replies with a small chuckle. A burst of wind shears off part of the chair near her head, but she sighs and goes back to running her finger along the wall. “Violence seems to be your kneejerk reaction, Lady of Rainbow Tower. I’ll never understand why you think a calm and loving man like Delvin would stay with someone so ill-tempered. Then again, it really doesn’t matter. Even if you get out of Rhundar alive, your friends won’t be getting very far.”
“I should have realized this as soon as you mentioned the eclipse. Sari and Delvin are sacrifices,” Nyx says as she tries to stand. A pain in her legs prevents her from getting out of the chair and she glances down to see fresh wounds on her calves. “Careful. Killing me might ruin everything, which I assume you’re going to reveal. What is it with people like you and sharing the details of your plan?”
“There’s a reason this time because there are three necessary sacrifices needed for the Feykin to rise out of the jungle like they were always meant to,” Zohara explai
ns before snapping her fingers to awaken the ape. With a clap, she returns the animal to its natural state and holds out her arm for it to scamper into her hair. “This is a ritual of my own design, but I assure you that it works. One needs to sacrifice an enraged body, a potent spirit, and a splintered heart. Sari is the first when she is driven to attack Delvin at our wedding. She won’t have a choice since Phelan will die having failed to assassinate my dear husband during the battle. That seed has already been planted in his mind thanks to a few dreams. Delvin is next with his delicious aura being pushed to its limits. I plan on devouring it on our wedding night while we consummate, which will make his energy so much tastier. The final sacrifice is you, Nyx. Your heart has been aching since you arrived. I can taste the festering anguish whenever you’re near me. Imagine how you will feel with the knowledge of your beloved’s fate and being powerless to stop it. That’s why I’m telling you all this. My ritual requires that you . . . stew in your own misery for a while. Well, it only requires a day of emotional pain, but I enjoy watching you suffer.”
“How do you plan on keeping our mouths shut?” asks the channeler while Fizzle nods and bares his teeth. Both of them worry when they see their host yawn, the gesture reminding them of how Delvin feigns being inattentive. “Our friends will notice if we disappear or if we’re acting strange. You can’t alter me either because that would ruin your ritual. You didn’t think this part of your plan through.”
“Silly thing. We’ve thought everything through.”
Zohara hisses a spell while pressing her palm against the markings she has been making on the wall. With a groaning hum, the random dashes shine to reveal a sigil on the back of the priestess’s hand. Fizzle zips toward the woman, but is knocked aside by an invisible form that leaves gray ooze on his scales. As Zohara’s chanting gets louder, Nyx struggles to escape the chair that cuts into her skin whenever she moves. With a yell, the channeler sends a backlash into the enchanted furniture and reduces it to burning splinters. Free from the trap, she is about to leap over the table when a beam erupts from the priestess’s sigil. It strikes the half-elf in the chest with enough force to knock her across the room. The twisting spell arches back to slam into Fizzle before disappearing in a puff of acrid smoke.